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Position paper

homeless queers
About Us: Working Group on Queer Homelessness Services in Vienna


Our working group was formed from the LGBTIQA+ network of Viennese homelessness services. This network consists of professionals from various institutions and was founded in 2020. Its goal is to create a space for exchange on the connection between queer homelessness and LGBTI*QNA+ issues in Vienna’s homelessness sector.


We, the authors, are social workers from different institutions. We identify as queer and as allies. Our knowledge comes from years of fieldwork and theoretical reflection on existing texts and studies.


With this paper, we aim to acknowledge the specific needs of homeless LGBTI*QNA+ individuals and urge Vienna’s homelessness services to take the necessary measures.



Position Paper on Improving the Situation for Queer Homeless People in Vienna

The issue of queer homelessness in Vienna is currently the subject of an ongoing debate. The need for focused support for LGBTI*QNA+ people in Vienna's homelessness services is becoming increasingly evident. Building on the research report "LGBTIQ+ in der (niederschwelligen) Wiener Wohnungslosenhilfe," our position paper addresses the specific needs of this particularly vulnerable group.


The paper offers detailed recommendations and a range of demands for creating LGBTI*QNA+ inclusive spaces for homeless people in Vienna. It highlights the need to develop specific services for LGBTI*QNA+ individuals and adapt the existing practices of Vienna's homelessness services. Topics such as raising awareness among professionals, implementing anti-discrimination guidelines, and creating safer spaces are addressed.


This position paper is designed to be a valuable tool for professionals, academics, and policymakers who want to tackle queer homelessness and promote inclusive social work in Vienna. Download the full paper for more insights and actionable recommendations (only available in German).

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